Region F ICCWG Letters





11/2024 Survey on S101 Product Readiness - Annex: S-101 readiness questionnaire
10/2024 UKHO Gridding Proposal - Annex: Mediterranean Sea GB Band 2 ENC Gridding Proposal
09/2024 Outcome of Region F ICCWG CL 05/2024 - Annex ( .xls )
08/2024 Region F ICCWG ToRs & RoPs review - Draft version 1 March 2024 ( .doc )
07/2024 Submission of INT Chart M15 by Egypt - Annex ( .xls ) - Coverage
06/2024 Overlapping ENCs Member States Reports ( .xls )
05/2024 MBSHC Permanent Action 11 - Annex ( .xls )
04/2024 Survey on S-101 Product Readiness - Annex ( .doc )
03/2024 Submission of INT Chart M15 by Egypt. M15 ( .jpg ). M15 EL ARISH HARBOUR Limits ( .xls)
02/2024 Responses received regarding FICC CL 07/2023
01/2024 Responses received regarding FICC CL 08/2023 proposal
08/2023 Follow-up on Egypt Proposal - M22, M23-M33-M43 - Chart Limits (.xls)
07/2023 Region F TORs and ROPs Review - Consolidated version ( .doc ; .pdf )
06/2023 Responses received regarding Region F ICCWG CL 05/2023
05/2023  Greece's Proposal on Changes to INT Chart Number 3762 (deadline 6 October 2023)
04/2023 Lebanese INT Charts Proposals
03/2023 Lebanese INT Charts Proposals
- Lebanese INT charts proposal - Beirut
- Information from France on the gradual withdrawal of the French INT charts in Lebanese waters
02/2023 Egypt Proposal
01/2023 Rev1 Region F ICCWG ToR and RoP Review
05/2022 Outcome of Region F ICCWG CL 03/2022 - Lebanon Proposal for ENC Coverage Change

Follow-up on MBSHC23/04 - Region F ICCWG TORs

Annex: TORs and ROPs, adopted 6th July 2017 ( .doc )

03/2022 No Title - Lebanon Proposal for ENC Coverage Change  - France 's comments
02/2022 Region F ICCWG Contact List - Annex
01/2022 MBSHC23 Conference: Region F INT Scheme uptdate - Annex ( .doc )
02/2019 Region F INT Scheme uptdate / Mise à jour du schéma cartographique INT de la région F
01/2019 Region F INT Scheme uptdate / Mise à jour du schéma cartographique INT de la région F
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2017 -  2006

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Last modified: 05/12/2024 - 09:57