MBSHC22 (2021)


22nd Conference and 6th Meeting of the Region F ICCWG
VTC Event, 27 - 28 May 2021

Last Update: 29 July 2021

Invitation Letter to MBSHC- 22 (MBSHC 04/2021) - Registration

 Join the Conference: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/912159205
Post meeting documents:  [  Final Minutes, version  29 July 2021,  List of Decisions and Actions ( .doc  , .pdf ) -
[Group Photo] - [Bulletin Report]

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Document Title

MBSHC22-01.2A 25 May

List of documents (this html page)

MBSHC22-01.2B 28 May List of Participants
MBSHC22-01.3A 19 May Election of MBSHC Vice Chair, Arrangements for Secretariat of MBSHC-22, Possible Consequences on Business Continuity, Calendar for MBSHC Conferences
MBSHC22-02A Rev1 19 May Draft Agenda&Timetable ( .doc , .pdf )
MBSHC22-03.2A  25 May Chair's report
MBSHC22-03.3A 11 Feb 2020 Minutes of MBSHC21
MBSHC22-03.3B 11 Feb 2020 List of Decisions and Actions ( .doc , .pdf )
MBSHC22-03.3B 27 May Status Report on the actions from the 21st Conference

25 May

Review of MBSHC Statutes and Region F ICCWG ToR

- Annex 1

- Annex 2

Useful References
MBSHC Statutes in force (8th Edition, June 2019)
Region F ICCWG ToRs and ROPs (6 July 2017)

MBSHC22-03.5 25 May Report of the Black and Azov Seas Working Group (BASWG) - Presentation
MBSHC22-04.1 18 /22 May IHO Secretariat's Report - Presentation
MBSHC22-04.2 27 May IHO-EU Network WG Report - Presentation
MBSHC22-04.3   CIESM Activities that may affect MBSHC
MBSHC22-04.4 18 May IALA Activities that may affect MBSHC
MBSHC22-04.5   IOC general activities that may affect MBSHC
MBSHC22-05.1 24 May HSSC Activities that may affect MBSHC
MBSHC22-06.1 27 May Inter-Regional Coordination Committee
MBSHC22-6.2.1 4 May Lebanon Report

24 May

27 May

National Reports Disclaimer Notice:

National Reports Summary











a) Algeria

b) Bulgaria - Presentation

c) Croatia - Presentation

d) Cyprus Rev1 

e) Egypt 

f) France - Presentation

g) Georgia

h) Greece - Presentation

i) Israel

j) Italy

k) Lebanon

l) Malta

m) Monaco

n) Montenegro - Presentation

o) Morocco - Presentation

p) Romania - Presentation

q) Russian Federation

r) Serbia

s) Slovenia - Presentation

t) Spain Rev1 - Presentation

u) Syria

v) Tunisia

w) Turkey , Presentation

x) Ukraine Rev1

y) United Kingdom

z) USA - Presentation

MBSHC22-6.3.1A   WENDWG11 Outcome, and Actions and Decisions that may affect MBSHC
MBSHC22-6.3.2 25 May
28 May
- Report from IC-ENC - Presentation
- Report from PRIMAR - Presentation
MBSHC22-6.4.1 28 May Hydrographic survey status in the MBSHC area
MBSHC22-6.4.2 31 May Report of ICCWG Coordinator to MBSHC 
MBSHC22-6.5 24 May GEBCO/Seabed 2030 Project/Crowd-Source Bathymetry Activities
MBSHC22-6.6 27 May Designation of pending MBSHC representatives
MBSHC22-6.7 24 May Report from NAVAREA III Coordinator
MBSHC22-6.8 21 May MSDI Report
MBSHC22-6.9 25 May CB Coordinator Report
MBSHC22-7.1 23 May Digital update to the World Port Index (WPI)
MBSHC22-7.2 23 May Global Maritime Density Service (GMTDS)
6th Meeting of the Region F ICCWG
Post-Meeting 12 June Minutes of the Region F ICCWG6 meeting ( .pdf )
- Annex 1: agenda
- Annex 2: report to MBSHC22 plenary
    Joint the meeting: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/912159205

Useful References:

- Draft Minutes of the 5th meeting of Region F-ICCWG

- Presentation by Region F Chart Coordinator delivered at MBSHC-21 after 5th meeting of Region F ICCWG

ICCWG6-01 Rev1

26 April / 24 May

25 May

Draft agenda & timetable ( .doc ; .pdf )


ICCWG6-02 25 May 

ENC Coverage Status - ENC overlaps risk assessment


ICCWG6-02A Rev1 12 / 21 May  HNHS ENC Risk Assessment Report
ICCWG6-02B 19 May Overlap Risk Assessment ( .xls )
ICCWG6-02C 21 May Turkey ENC overlap assessment (as in 2017) ( .xls )
ICCWG6-03A 25 May  INT Charts Scheme Status
ICCWG6-03B 26 May Greece Revised Proposal (8 INT Charts)
ICCWG6-04&05 25 May  Priorities for the ICCWG and New Coordinator
ICCWG6-06A 25 May RCC Report to MBSHC22 – Proposed Actions and recommendations
Industry Presentations (ppt presentations on request only)
SevenCs 27 May Validation of S-100-based products
Skilltrade 25 May How has Skilltrade adapted to pandemic safe learning?

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Last modified: 04/07/2024 - 16:06