Chair: Saud Hamoud AL-RUWAYS (Saudi Arabia)  
Vice-Chair Vacant  
Members: Bahrain, IR of Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.  
Associate Members: France, Iraq, United Kingdom, United States of America.  
Observers: Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME), Middle East Navigation Service (MENAS). International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), Arabian Maritime and Navigation Aids Services LLC (AMNAS)  
IHB Representatives: Director Luigi SINAPI
Assistant Director Sam HARPER


Brief History

During the ROPME - IHO Workshop concerning the hydrographic activities of the ROPME and Red Sea regions held in Kuwait on 24-27 October 1999, the idea of forming a Regional Hydrographic Commission was raised. The ROPME Sea Area Hydrographic Commission (RSAHC) was subsequently established in Tehran, Islamic Republic (I.R.) of Iran, on 7-10 October 2000 at the offices of the Port and Shipping Organization of the I.R. of Iran, under the initiative of the I.R. of Iran, Sultanate of Oman, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates with Observers from the IHB, United Kingdom, Canada, Pakistan, Republic of Yemen and MENAS. The first Chairman was Mr. M R Ghaderi, Director General of Maritime Affairs at the Port and Shipping Organization of the I.R. of Iran. Main activities include the progress in developing the INT chart scheme, MSI, inter-state co-operation and a number of other regional issues in the capacity building area, including an International Hydrographic Symposium and a MSI course.

Original: Tehran, I.R. of Iran - 10 Oct 2000
Amendment: (1) Tehran, IR of Iran - 3 May 2006

Meeting Documents

Only documents for upcoming, current and previous years meetings are listed left. All earlier meeting documents are available from the IHO Document Archive.

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Last modified: 09/01/2024 - 14:12