South-East Pacific HC

Chair: Captain Carlos Zuñiga (Chile)
Members: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.
Observers: Panama.
IHO Secretariat Representatives: Director Luigi SINAPI
Assistant Director Leonel MANTEIGAS


Brief History 

The South-East Pacific Regional Hydrographic Commission (SEPRHC) was established in Valparaiso, Chile on 19 June 1991, on the occasion of the INT Chart Scheme - Region C2 meeting, at the initiative of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The first Chairman was Captain Fernando Le Dantec Gallardo, Director of the Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada, Chile. The Commission´s first activities included the approval of the Chart Scheme for Region C2 and the development of regional hydrography in accordance with IHO policies, aims and standards. Main achievements include: capacity building initiatives, joint projects and exchange of personnel.

Meeting Documents

Only documents for upcoming, current and previous years meetings are listed left. All earlier meeting documents are available from the IHO Document Archive.

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Last modified: 04/03/2025 - 11:31