SCUFN Repository

At the SCUFN 36, the creation of a documents repository on the SCUFN webpage to facilitate the sharing of experiences was approved (Action SCUFN36/03.2/03 refers)

Last Update: 26 July 2024


Basic documents

GEBCO-Seabed 2030 - Objectives - Grid Resolutions and Minor Feature and Horizontal Strategy

Cookbook for Generic Terms of undersea feature names v1.2 October 2022 (pdf)

Repository of Typical Cases v1.0 October 2022 (pdf)

Decisions Criteria to be used in Naming Proposals Reviews  v1.0 November 2021 (pdf)  
UN Ocean Decade 2030  
Canada - GEBCO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN: Detection of Undersea Features (Detection - Standards – Unnamed Features) ( .doc )  

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Last modified: 26/07/2024 - 14:24