IRCC16 (2024)

16th Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC16)

10 - 12 June 2024

Santa Cruz Island - Galapagos, Ecuador

Last Update on the List of Documents: 

Post Meeting Documents: 
   - IRCC16 Report = IRCC Report to C-8 .doc ; .pdf ) - Annex A: Axis of Evolution of the IHO Strategic Plan ( .doc ; .pdf )
List of Actions, Decisions and Recommendations to RHCs ( .doc ; .pdf )
IRCC16-01A List of Documents (Sec.) - this document
IRCC16-01B List of Participants (Sec.)
IRCC16-01C List of IRCC Members (Sec.)
IRCC16-02_V2 Agenda and Timetable (Sec.)
IRCC Highlights since IRCC15
IRCC16-03A IRCC Chair Report (Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-03B Report of IRCC15 to C-7 (Secretariat)
IRCC16-03C  Status of Action List from IRCC15 (Sec.) Word
IRCC16-03D  IRCC WP 2023-2024
IRCC16-03E List of Decisions and Actions of C-7 (Secretariat)
Report by the IHO Secretariat HSSC Report
IRCC16-04  IHO Secretariat Report (Secretariat) (Presentation)
HSSC Report
IRCC16-05.1 HSSC Report  (HSSC Chair) (Presentation)
Report of the Ad hoc Drafting Group for Making IHO Events More Inclusive (Drafting Group) (Presentation)
Regional Hydrographic Commission Reports
IRCC16-06.1A Nordic HC (NHC Chair) (Presentation) (NHC Input to IHO Strategic Plan review)
IRCC16-06.1B North Sea HC (NSHC Chair) (Presentation)

East Asia HC (EAHC Chair) (Presentation

IRCC16-06.1D US/Canada HC (USCHC Chair) (Presentation_v2)
IRCC16-06.1E Mediterranean and Black Seas HC (MBSHC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1F Baltic Sea HC (BSHC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1G Eastern Atlantic HC (EAtHC Chair) (Presentation
IRCC16-06.1H South-East Pacific Regional HC (SEPRHC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1I South-West Pacific HC (SWPHC Chair) (Annex A - Worplan 23-2024) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1J Meso American & Caribbean Sea HC (MACHC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1K Southern Africa and Islands HC (SAIHC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1L North Indian Ocean HC (NIOHC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1M ROPME Sea Area HC (RSAHC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-06.1N South West Atlantic HC (SWAtHC Chair) (Presentation_v2)
IRCC16-06.1O Arctic Regional HC (ARHC Chair) (Presentation)
Reports from IRCC Bodies
IRCC16-07A Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica (HCA Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-07B World-Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS-SC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-07C Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC Chair) (Presentation
WEND Working Group Report (WENDWG Chair) (Presentation_Rev1)
IRCC16-07D1 S-11 PART C development Version 0.0.1
IRCC16-07D2 France Support to the WENDWG14/32 recommendation related to a new distribution model of the S-100 Phase I products and ENDS and decisions proposals. (Presentation)
MSDI Working Group (proposed Work Plan 2024-2027) (Presentation) (MSDIWG Chair)
IRCC16-07F IHO-EU Network Working Group (IENWG Chair) ( Presentation)
IRCC16-07G FIG-IHO-ICA IBSC (IBSC Chair) (Presentation)
IRCC16-07H CSB Working Group (CSBWG Chair) - (Annex - Publication B-12 Edition 3.0.0.) (Presentation)
IRCC16-07I IHO DCDB Report (IHO DCDB Director)  (Presentation)
IRCC16-07J IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC Chair) (Presentation) (Annex A GEBCO Strategy) (Annex B GEBCO Governance Review)
Strategic Issues of the IRCC
IRCC16-08.1 IRCC SPI's (Presentation)
IRCC16-08.2 Axis of evolution of the Strategic Plan
IRCC16-08.2A           Decisions and Actions from C-7 - Decision 37
         IHO Strategic Plan 2021-26
IRCC16-08.2C          Timeline for establishment of SPRWG
IRCC16-08.2D          NHC Input to IHO Strategic Plan review
IRCC PT on Fund Generation (Presentation_Rev1) ( Draft Fund Generation PT TOR)
Other Information Papers
Actions and Decisions
IRCC16-12 List of Actions, Decisions and Recommendations from IRCC16 (Secretariat) ( .doc ; .pdf )
IRCC Work Programme
IRCC16-13A IHO Work Programme for 2024-2026 (Secretariat)
IRCC16-13B Draft IRCC Work Programme 2024-2025 (Secretariat)


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Last modified: 18/07/2024 - 10:23